I SEE U – A “Shifting” Journalism and Media Podcast Discussion

In a session called “The Future ‘Shift Key’ in Journalism,” I SEE U’s Eddie Robinson, the podcast’s executive producer and host, recently interviewed Emmy Award-winning journalist Justin Carter and I about the constantly evolving world of journalism & information dissemination.

To hear the conversation, click on the link below.

I SEE U, Episode 35: The Future ‘Shift Key’ in Journalism


Celebrating Black History Month 2022!

It’s that time of year again…time to celebrate the richness of history from an African American perspective.

So if you’re interested in learning more about the men and women and movements that define Black history – and American history – check out the selections offered by the University of Illinois Press.  The press is offering a major sale of books celebrating Black lives (including my book, Word Warrior: Richard Durham, Radio, and Freedom) throughout the month of February.



A Personal Dive Into the Life of Influential Politician – Nancy Pelosi

With all of the constantly shifting, confusing and even frustrating machinations in America’s political world, you might wonder what drives the men and women behind the headlines and news stories.  Perhaps no one is more fascinating a personality than Nancy Pelosi – the first woman to serve as Congress’ Speaker of the House.

In her bestselling biography, simply titled Pelosi, journalist Molly Ball explores the life of this experienced and polarizing politician. Fellow biography and former journalist John A. Farrell interviews Molly Ball, and their revelatory discussion is available on the Biographers International Organization podcast – on which I serve as a producer.

Click HERE to listen and to be engaged.



Juneteenth – America’s Newest National Holiday – June 19th

Looking to hear something that could, perhaps, cool you down while providing insights into this country’s most recent, hot weather-based holiday?

If so, click on the book cover image on the right.

Last month for BIO (the Biographers International Organization), I had the pleasure of conducting a ZOOM interview with Harvard University Professor Annette Gordon-Reed, the Pulitzer Prize and multiple award-winning author and historian, best known for her compelling studies of such 19thcentury figures as Thomas Jefferson, Sally Hemmings and Andrew Johnson.

Gordon-Reed’s latest book, On Juneteenth  (published in May of this year), is an insightful, personalized view of the history and legacy of the mid-June celebration that marks the end of slavery in Texas.

So treat yourself to a pleasurable and hopefully an enlightening summertime podcast.

And enjoy!



Celebrate: It’s Black Music Month!

June is busting out all over – and so is music!

Celebrate Black Music Month – a designation initiated in 1979 by President Jimmy Carter – by checking out the following article from the

National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC)  in Washington, DC.

You’ll want to break out the records (remember them?), tapes and CDs, or go to your favorite music radio station or streaming service to hear the creations – through the ages – of Black music in all its forms.

And from the Smithsonian’s Black Radio Telling it Like It Was radio series – recently re-released by PRX – check out these two episodes about the enduring influence of radio and Black music.

Enjoy and celebrate!







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