A Tribute to Black Music Month – June 2015

Once again, it’s time to dance, sing-a-long and savor black music. And you’ll have a whole month to do it.

Dating back to the late 1970s, music industry insiders Kenny Gamble, Ed Wright and Dyana Williams came up with the idea to set aside one month to honor the cultural importance and influence of black music and musicians.

June became that month. And there’s little doubt that if he were alive today, writer Richard Durham would have led the celebration charge.

Durham & IWPFamily copy

In this photo, Richard Durham (smiling on the right) enjoys great music and good company in the popular Chicago South Side nightclub, Club DeLisa, in 1942. From left to right are Phyllis Peltz, Durham’s younger brother Earl and Durham’s wife Clarice, along with Phyllis’ husband and fellow scriptwriter, David Peltz.

Durham loved music. In his Chicago home Durham played, repeatedly, the records of the African American musicians he revered. And this love often fed his creative writing efforts.

For example, in his award-winning Destination Freedom radio drama series about black heroes and heroines (WMAQ, 1948-1950), Durham dramatized the lives of musicians as varied as composer/bandleader Duke Ellington, contralto Marian Anderson, and pianist Fats Waller. In addition, Durham explored the formative years of trumpeter/singer Louis Armstrong, organist Hazel Scott, and pianist/singer Nat King Cole.

In one Destination Freedom episode, Durham’s inventively revealed how prolific composer/arranger W.C. Handy came to be known as the father of the blues. Durham’s September 12, 1948 script began by presenting Handy as a naive teenager fascinated by the blues. Working as a water boy for a prison chain gang, Handy carried water to a prisoner named Lemon—Durham’s salute to the great blues singer/guitarist, Blind Lemon Jefferson.

Young Handy asked Lemon what the blues was all about. Lemon replied:

Lemon:  Blues, Water Boy, is your heart. It’s a train callin’ you.

It’s a woman minus a man. It’s talk turned into music.

It’s music that gets down to the rocky bottom.

Sometimes it’s a sad song.

Handy:  Then why you sing it?

Lemon:  The blues regenerates a man, Water Boy.

Handy:   Will it regenerate me?

Lemon:  (Laughs.) Get yourself a good guitar. Maybe I’ll teach

you to see for yourself.

Handy saved his earnings and purchased a guitar. But Handy’s religious mother and father discouraged his blues infatuation. In a clever turn, Durham’s narrator stated:

Narrator:   Mrs. Handy called in Professor Bach, a doctor of music, who examined

the patient from bass to treble clef and diagnosed his ailment.

Professor Bach found that young Handy suffered from “a severe dis-temperment of the pentatonic scales,” with “an overgrowth of the minor chords tending towards dissonance”— Durham’s creative description of the musical elements that make up the blues. Professor Bach recommended that Handy study music’s “proper,” translate classical, elements.

Durham’s script then noted that during the next twenty years, Handy mastered those musical elements. But the draw of the music of his people remained strong, pushing Handy to search for a “good, rich music that’s got a language and body.” One cool evening, Handy landed in St. Louis and heard a woman humming “an odd tune.” Handy asked about the tune and she said that because of her troubles with her man, “I hate to see the evenin’ sun go down.”

This line opens “The St. Louis Blues,” the tune most associated with W. C. Handy. Durham’s narrator ends the episode indicating that Handy, the former water boy:

Narrator:   Put down the words of blues from Memphis to Mobile, New Orleans

and Texas, and soon he had a whole world singing blues. He had set down on

paper a new American music.

According to Durham’s longtime friend and fellow writer Studs Terkel, “Dick had this talent of capturing the idiom, not just the African American, [but also] the American idiom. He was just gifted.”

As were the musicians Durham wrote about and cherished.

So during Black Music Month 2015, let’s all celebrate the host of African American women and men who create musical magic, enriching our lives and touching our souls.


Celebrating Workers Everywhere!

Each year around the world, May Day (also known as International Workers Day) or May 1st, is celebrated as a day to honor workers and spring. During his lifetime (1917-1984), Richard Durham surely made time to herald the day.  He was committed to and involved in labor unions that championed the rights of working men and women.

During the 1950s, one of Durham’s most significant associations was with the Chicago-based United Packinghouse Workers of America (UPWA). Considered to be one of city’s more progressive unions, the UPWA fought to protect the rights of the thousands of people who toiled in the industries that produced meat and its byproducts.

imagesUndoubtedly, Durham appreciated the union’s logo. A black and a white hand clasped in a handshake went along with the UPWA’s slogan, “Negro and White, Unite and Fight!” ‘

And there was plenty to fight about regarding working conditions in meatpacking plants. The plants’ slaughter assembly lines, for example, were dangerous, blood-soaked environments. Some meatpacking companies didn’t provide insurance to protect injured employees, and workers on some fast-moving assembly lines were treated like prisoners.

In 1952, Durham landed a contract with the union. The organization needed a writer who could translate studies, conducted by Fisk University scholars, about the UPWA’s antidiscrimination activities into a digestible brochure for the rank and file.

Durham eventually produced a twenty-one-page brochure titled Action against Jim Crow: UPWA’s Fight for Equal Rights. The brochure married photos of union members with Durham’s attention-grabbing writing:

At daybreak on November 30, 1950, a young Negro mother left her three children with their grandmother and hurried out into the cold Chicago dawn to catch a street-car.

She was Mrs. Pauline Wilson and she needed a job.

She was an experienced packinghouse worker and she knew they were hiring at Swift and Company.

Swift—like the Wilson, Armour, and Cudahy companies—operated America’s largest meat processing plants. Durham went on to write:

At 7 a.m. [Mrs. Wilson] was rushing unnoticed down the crowded, cobblestone streets of the world’s biggest packing center, and at 7:30 a.m. she was inside the employment office of the biggest packer.

It was the third anxious morning she had raced to be among the first to apply.

“Oh-h-h-h you’re just a little bit too late,” one of the clerks shook a sad head. “We’re not hiring anymore women. Just men.”

Durham then introduced Ruth Merson, a white job seeker who rushed down the same cobblestone streets to the same company on that same November morning. Yet Merson was directed to a back office and hired with every other white woman who applied that day.

Swift foreman Bill Cummings encouraged Merson to send her friends because he thought she “looked like a good worker.” Durham conceded, “He was right. She was even better than he thought. He had hired a field representative of UPWA on assignment for its Anti-Discrimination Department, a symbol of the Negro and white unity which has made the UPWA-CIO, the most important packinghouse union in the world.”

An arbitrator eventually ruled that Mrs. Wilson and twelve other black women “were entitled to reach into Mr. Swift’s pockets for $2,600 in back pay,” Durham wrote. Additionally, Swift had to hire those women with a year’s worth of seniority.

Richard Durham continued working with the UPWA, helping the union organize its workers to support various civil rights struggles – including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Hope that you had a great May Day – and whatever work you are passionate about, have a productive month!

Honoring the Power of Poetry

April is National Poetry Month. And Richard Durham was a poet who loved the freedom of expression this art form provided.

“I think it’s the highest form of writing,” he once told a reporter.

So in honor of this month and to see an example of Durham’s poetic voice, the following poem was published in Golden Slippers: An Anthology of Negro Poetry for Young Readers, edited by writer Arna Bontemps.

Dawn Patrol

Night creeps over the city;

Streets spangle with kilowatt pearls,

Lights splatter over seas of shadows

Damning the flood of darkness.

Drunken night,

A hobo bowed over a bar of time,

Brooding over a black bottle of stars

Blinking like beer bubbles,

Soon comes the police patrol of dawn,

Night slowly staggers away

And then the day.

—Richard Durham, 1941

Durham’s mother came from a hardscrabble family of sharecroppers.  They struggled to earn a living on the Mississippi farmlands they planted and harvested, trying to get out of the ongoing debt the family incurred. Probably inspired by the stories Durham’s mother told him about the “cropping” life, he wrote the following poem:

Cotton Croppers

A citron sun, a ghost of gold,

Pours thick heat down on the field.

Heat burst the bolls and floods the air

Where ragged croppers, like patches in a cotton cloud,

Dot the billowy acres,

Bag the bolls, swell the sacks.

Plod the rows; pick the cotton.


Wading through the turbid waves unable to feel

The glory of day for the hell of heat!

And to a winding road snaking besides the field

They have but to lift their eyes to see,

Unworried over the sun, the cotton,

The plight of the pickers,

Comfortable cars rolling by the road,

Touring through the heat

Plowing through the air.

—Isadore Richard Durham, undated


Happy National Poetry Month!

Commemorating Paul Robeson’s Birthday

If Richard Durham were alive today, he would no doubt take time to honor the life of Paul Robeson – the gifted African American athlete, committed scholar, talented artist and inspiring activist born on April 9th.

Durham admired Robeson. PAUL ROBESON PHOTO

During his lifetime (1898-1976), the 6 foot 3 inch tall, deep-voiced Robeson attained worldwide celebrity. Yet despite his substantial achievements as a singer and star of stage and screen, Robeson was a selfless champion of the battle for global human rights. Robeson was praised and damned for his outspoken activism and dedication to social justice.

So Durham proposed dramatizing Robeson’s life in Destination Freedom, Durham’s award-winning and truly unique series about African American heroes and heroines. This half-hour long, weekly radio series aired on NBC affiliate station WMAQ in Chicago, from 1948-50. But Robeson’s progressive views and activism were too radical for the network’s taste. According to Durham:

I wasn’t as unhappy with not being allowed to put Paul Robeson on because frankly, I didn’t think that I could get it done. Some subjects have more electricity than others by virtue of the fact that people know about them or have already established a certain outlook on them.

Still, Durham found ways to portray the lives and contributions of men and women whose outspokenness mirrored Robeson’s. One such person was Denmark Vesey. A former South Carolina-based slave, Vesey masterminded a revolt that reportedly involved about nine thousand co-conspirators in 1822.

Denmark Vesey’s revolt was foiled before it gained traction. But at his trial before a South Carolina judge and angry white spectators, Durham’s Vesey character delivered a speech that was “one of the most damning critiques of racial abuse ever heard on U.S. radio,” historian J. Fred MacDonald asserted.

This episode’s judge character asked Denmark Vesey to explain his act of “treachery” against the state of South Carolina.

Durham’s Vesey replied:

My treachery began when I read the Declaration of Independence…
it said “All men are created equal.” It grew when I read that black
Crispus Attucks died to help the colonies be free. 

Did he die just to  free white men or all men?

Then I read what Ben Franklin, Tom Paine, LaFayette and Jefferson had said
and their words warmed my blood. They wanted their revolution to make all men free and equal. They stopped with some men free and some men slaves.

I took up where they left off.

(Slower.)  I found my price when I was a slave and I paid it. If my life is the price I  pay to be free… take it. I’ll pay it.

Until all men are free, the revolution goes on!

In Celebration of Women’s History Month

 Richard Durham highly respected women.

CROPPED PIC Isadore, Chaney & Marie 1960s
Richard with his mother Chanie and his oldest sister, Claudia Marie during the 1960s
Richard with his wife Clarice in the mid-1970s.
Durham  loved his mother, his three older sisters, and his wife of 42 years. And he believed that women, in general, were more progressive than men. He maintained that plenty of Joan of Arcs and Florence Nightingales existed in the world – women who exhibited strength of character under pressure.


“He was a feminist,” claimed one of Durham’s long time friends – singer, songwriter and activist, Oscar Brown Jr. “Before there was any National Organization for Women or anything like that,” Brown added, Durham’s scripts advocated “equal pay for equal work” for women. Brown said that in Durham’s award winning Destination Freedom radio drama series (1948-1950), “his characterization of Harriet Tubman or of Sojourner Truth, extolled the virtues of black women.”

The following audio excerpt comes from Durham’s August 15, 1948 “Truth Goes to Washington” show about abolitionist Sojourner Truth.


Durham considered his script about Ida B. Wells to be one of Destination Freedom’s best. Durham described Wells, a fearless and outspoken journalist, as:

 “A stormy woman. Restless like a river and a tongue like a flamin’ sword.” Durham’s Wells believed that “resistance to tyranny is obedience to God,” and that a freedom that “allowed the bigoted or the powerful to restrict the freedom of others was no freedom at all.”

A vociferous anti-lynching campaigner, Wells left behind a treasure trove of writings. Therefore, Durham said that he took the “least dramatic license” in documenting her life, and he hoped his radio listeners would connect with Wells’ story of struggle and triumph in a man’s world.

“A good dramatist [tries] to make an audience feel something,” Durham explained. “That’s why the hero has to be intelligent. Whether it’s a woman like Ida B. Wells or [noted educator and activist] Mary Church Terrell, they must appear [to be] very intelligent . . . then people will identify.”

Durham continued championing women’s rights during the 1950s while working as a writer and organizer for the United Packinghouse Workers of America (UPWA), one of America’s most progressive labor unions.

Black women and white women were noticeably absent from top UPWA policymaking positions. And women suffered from salary inequities. UPWA local president Addie Wyatt said there was at least a fourteen-cents hourly difference between the pay for men and women. That “differential” disappeared by the late 1950s, progress Wyatt attributed to UPWA’s International Office and Dick Durham.

“Dick seemed to have known the kind of struggles that a little black woman like me would have fighting against the white giants,” Addie Wyatt said. He “was there to encourage you, but also to feed you with information that you’d need so that when you spoke or you wrote you’d have the facts and figures there to work with. So I was always impressed,” Wyatt concluded, “because he was not fearful of our struggle. He embraced it.”

Throughout his lifetime, Richard Durham continued to advocate for positive social change for women and men and all people seeking freedom, justice and equality.

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